Corporate Sponsorship


Why Sponsorship Matters

Becoming a corporate sponsor of Grace’s Home of Heroes provides an opportunity to connect with the Veteran community, create brand visibility and access to a new audience, reinforce your company’s reputation as a good corporate citizen and most importantly, show your company’s support to those that have sacrificed their lives for our country, our Veterans. 

Aligning with Grace’s Home of Heroes does more than create brand visibility. It is also a way to set yourself apart from competitors, by showing that your company is working to improve the community and lives of our Veterans, those who have sacrificed their lives and their families for our country and our freedom.

When you support Grace’s Home of Heroes through sponsorship, you are doing the following:

  • Investing in communities where Veterans have sacrificed their lives

  • You are being recognized as a good corporate citizen which will bring benefits to your business

  • Reaching different demographics and providing engaging ways to connect with the Veteran community and others in the community 


Some Of Our Corporate Sponsors:

How Your Donations Will Help Our Veterans

  • Support Our Community Members

    Your donation will help offer personal and community support to our veterans.

  • Providing Resources

    Continue to provide our veteran community and their families with resources.

  • Food Insecurities

    Provide nonperishable food items, hygiene products and baby items to veteran families facing food insecurities.